Slam Ball Exercises

Slam balls are heavy, durable exercise balls designed for explosive, high-impact movements such as lifts, throws, and slams. Slam balls work multiple muscle groups, making them a great option for full-body workouts. Some top exercises are:

  1. Overhead Slams
A full-body, high-intensity exercise, and explosive movement works the muscles of the legs, hips, back, arms, and core, and helps to improve power, strength, and cardiovascular endurance.
  1. Russian Twist
An exercise that targets the oblique muscles and the core. This exercise helps to improve core stability, balance, and rotational power while also providing a cardiovascular challenge.
  1. Burpee Slams
This is a full-body exercise that targets multiple muscle groups. It helps to improve cardiovascular fitness, power, and endurance.
  1. V Ups
A high-intensity exercise that combines elements of slam ball, sit-ups and V-ups into one dynamic movement working multiple muscle groups, including the abs, quads, and upper body, and is effective for building strength and improving core stability.
  1. Split Lunge Rainbow Slam
A full-body, high-intensity exercise that combines elements of lunges and slam ball slams. The movement is done continuously, creating a "rainbow" pattern with the slam ball. This exercise works the muscles of the legs, hips, back, arms, and core and helps to improve power, strength, and cardiovascular endurance.

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